Monday 16 November 2015

Postmodernism and Ideology

Objective: to deconstruct the representation of ideology
in relation to gender, politics and news broadcasting

Key terms

Task: Create a brief evaluation in order to answer
these questions applying the key terms appropriately.

Introduction: Media representation has a massive part to play
in the molding and conditioning of people in society.
Consider recent reports on 'terrorism' along with the
representation of women in media and evaluate how propaganda
can have a positive or negative impact on society.

Research Resources:

Key questions:

What responsibility does mass media have in
shaping the ideologies of its audience?

How has media sensationalism affected the politics of society?

How could feminist critique of media representation
be seen as an example of positive propaganda?

What influence could you have to change the frame of media representation?

Advanced question:

How does postmodernism and ideology relate to each other in this instance?

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